White Evangelical Politics: Its Contributions & Challenges to Liberal Democracy

Cover for Polarization and Deep Contestations    White evangelical and populist politics often contribute to democracy. When do they pose a challenge to it, and why? Have a look at “When is White Evangelical Politics Illiberal? The Effects of Duress and Strong Populism on the Liberal Script” in Polarization and Deep Contestations: The Liberal Script in the United States, edited by Tanja A. Börzel, Thomas Risse, Stephanie B. Anderson, and Jean A. Garrison, Oxford University Press.  Click here.

Dr. Pamela Cooper-White & Dr. Marcia Pally about White Evangelical Populism–on “Veterans of the Culture War”

I’m honored and thrilled that psychologist and theologian Dr. Pamela Cooper-White and I had a chance to talk about white evangelical populism with top-drawer journalists Zach Malm and David Lester at Veterans of the Culture Wars, one of the most rigorous and compassionate programs on the controversial issues of the day. Cooper-White brings invaluable insights on both the psychology of populism and on how to get out of culture-war animosity and talk with people–family, friends, strangers– “on the other side.”  Click here