White Evangelicals and American Right-wing Populism: The Evolutions of an Ethic in the Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics, 2023, Vol. 43, Nr. 1
Writing about religion, politics, and culture

Mimesis and Sacrifice (Ed., 2019)
This edited volume by an inter-disciplinary and international groups of scholars looks at the ethics of how notions of sacrifice are used in contemporary life, from the military and business to gender relation and politics. Click on image for ordering information.

Commonwealth and Covenant: Economics, Politics, and Theologies of Relationality (2016)
Nominated for the Grawemeyer Award in religion.and selected by the U.N.’s Committee on Education for Justice to be distributed to “educators, academics, policy-makers…throughout the world.” Click on image for ordering information.

Writings on Politics
Writings on U.S. populism, evangelicals and populism, Martin Luther King, U.S. elections, Donald Trump, human aggression and politics

Writings on Theologies of Relationality
Writings on covenantal economics and politics, relationality and humanness, relationality and evolution

Writings on Evangelicals
Writings on evangelicals who’ve left the right, the history of American Protestantism, evangelicals and U.S. elections

Selected Books by Marcia Pally
Marcia Pally is the author of several books in the areas of culture, religion, and politics as well as the intersection of culture and language.
About Marcia Pally
Professor Marcia Pally teaches at New York University and held the Mercator Guest Professorship in the theology department at Humboldt University-Berlin, where she is an annual guest professor and member of the Center for Interreligious Theology and Religious Studies and the Berlin Institute for Public Theology. In 2019-2020 she was a Fellow at The Center for Theological Inquiry (Princeton). Her research interests are culture, religion, and politics as well as the intersection of culture and language. She is the author of several books in each area…
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Leonard Cohen’s Jewish Theology and Theodicy
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Philosophical Questions and Biological Findings-Part 1: Human Aggression
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